
A digital maternal health care company, Mahmee provides personalized, on-demand support to new mothers and infants.

Melissa Hanna

Founder & CEO


Los Angeles, CA

Year Founded:




What first inspired you to build Mahmee?
I was first inspired by my own mother’s work in the field of mother/baby healthcare. I saw the positive impact that she and her team were having on tens of thousands of families across Southern California, and I wanted to scale those efforts with technology. Figuring out how to do that led me to uncover a much larger opportunity to not only build the technology needed to deliver maternity support at scale, but also to set an entirely new standard of care for mothers from all walks of life.

Walk us through an average day in your life ?
Read news on the healthcare industry; product team stand-up video call at 9am; breakfast & coffee; talk to mom on drive to work; company finances/operations/invoices/bills; phone calls (usually partnership or business development calls that are fun/creative); forgetting to have lunch; hangry meeting and product testing with cofounder/CTO; sales calls/research/emails; putting out small fires; checking on customer service matters; home for dinner; late night calls with development and design team; program some sales emails to go out the next morning.

Who do you look to for inspiration in your field and why?
My mom. She’s been an innovator in this field since the very beginning of her career, and has continued to boldly push boundaries and challenge the status quo since that time. She has ruffled some feathers along the way, but she’s an unapologetic activist for women’s healthcare.

What is your favorite life hack?
Sunbasket (meal delivery service)

What is your favorite work hack? (automated scheduling/booking)

What’s one piece of advice you would give a fellow entrepreneur?
”Don’t incorporate until someone has a check with your company’s name on it.” It’s very practical advice about not spending money to make your idea “official” until it really needs to be. I wish someone would have shared with me, so I share it with every early-stage entrepreneur I meet.

Words to live by?
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” -Haruki Murakami

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